Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Stoop - March 2, post 4

"Red Bull" Post-it with note, Peabody Hall, Basement Art studio
"Nobody ever wishes they'd slept more during college. Love, Red Bull"

Apparently these used to be hung up randomly all over Peabody Hall last semester. LOOK WHO FOUND ONE IN THE STUDIO! :D

The Stoop - March 2, post 3

Defaced Election Letter, Tree outside of Peabody Hall
Thank you Peabody Hall, for this little piece of entertainment in the morning after a long night of homework and projects.

The Stoop - March 2, post 2

"Red Bull" Can, Peabody Hall, Back staircase
It's amazing (alarming) how the amount of Red Bull cans found around the dorm after the weekend correlates to how 'out-of-control' the residents are on any given weekend.

The Stoop - March 2, post 1

The Stoop - March 2, post 1

Hair from the anonymous brush, Peabody Hall, Room 306L